AZ to WA: Day 2

2:30 PM

Once we got our Krispy Kreme donuts and loaded into the car, we had another little chunk of driving to get us to my aunt and uncle's house in Utah.  But we took a nice long lunch break at a fast food joint with a play place.  Which was super nice.  And Vivienne's diaper leaked on Brett when he was carrying her back out to the car, so they both needed wardrobe changes, haha!

What I learned this stretch of the car drive--is how amazing stickers and slinkies are for road trips (bless the Target Dollar Spot).

We rolled into my aunt and uncle's driveway right in time for a big, fun family dinner.  My aunt and uncle were sweet enough to organize and host this dinner for us so we could get to see some of our family before we made it to our final destination and new home.  My sisters, some cousins, and even my grandparents were there since they happened to be up there visiting and we were all able to cross paths.

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